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About Active Travel Studies

Active Travel Studies is a peer reviewed, open access journal intended to provide a source of authoritative research on walking, wheeling, cycling and other forms of active travel. In the context of a climate emergency, widespread health problems associated with inactivity, and poor air quality caused in large part by fossil fuel transport, the journal is relevant and timely. It performs the critical function of providing practitioners and policy makers with access to current and robust findings on all subjects relevant to active travel.

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Lay summaries in five languages
Lay summaries in five languages
Posted by Victoria Burgher on 2025-02-13

Thanks to funding from consultant Steer, ATS Journal is now able to provide lay summaries in five languages. These provide an overview of key findings from a series of articles and are available in English, French, Spanish, Chinese and Arabic. The first two collections are available at the following [...]

Listen to Matt C. Smith discuss their research into trans and non-binary experiences in Brighton and Hove
Listen to Matt C. Smith discuss their research into trans and non-binary experiences in Brighton and Hove
Posted by UWP Publishing Assistant on 2023-06-22

ATA's Rachel Aldred sat down with University of Brighton PhD researcher Matt C. Smith to discuss their investigation into trans and non-binary experiences in the urban spaces of Brighton and Hove. They have two specific research areas – analysing how trans features within planning policy in the city of Brighton and Hove and the experiences of trans and non-binary residents using creative mapping [...]